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Interview: Hubble Integration Added to DigitalOcean Kubernetes
Feb 29, 2024

Interview: Hubble Integration Added to DigitalOcean Kubernetes

Exclusive Interview with DigitalOcean on Integrating Hubble into their Kubernetes Offering

Cilium 1.15 – Gateway API 1.0 Support, Cluster Mesh Scale Increase, Security Optimizations and more!
Feb 01, 2024

Cilium 1.15 – Gateway API 1.0 Support, Cluster Mesh Scale Increase, Security Optimizations and more!

Cilium 1.15 has arrived with Gateway API 1.0 Support, Cluster Mesh Scale Increase, Security Optimizations, and more

Cilium in Paris! See you at KubeCon Europe 2024
Jan 18, 2024

Cilium in Paris! See you at KubeCon Europe 2024

There is an amazing lineup of Cilium activities at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon


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Aug 07, 2018

Istio 1.0: How Cilium enhances Istio with socket-aware BPF programs

Istio 1.0 was released last week. From the Cilium community, we would like to congratulate all Istio contributors for this massive effort. We have been fortunate to participate in the community by contributing to Istio and by helping several users moving towards production with Istio and Cilium.

Jul 17, 2018

Prometheus Metrics for Kubernetes Networking Using Cilium

In Kubernetes deployments, Prometheus is a popular monitoring system and time-series database for storing health and performance metrics of all the components. Equally popular is Grafana for plotting the metrics. In this post, we will provide steps to setup Prometheus and Grafana for understanding important Cilium metrics related to the security and health of service interactions in a Kubernetes cluster.

Open Source Elasticsearch Security: Using Cilium for Elasticsearch Access Control with No App/Container Changes
Jul 10, 2018

Open Source Elasticsearch Security: Using Cilium for Elasticsearch Access Control with No App/Container Changes

Elasticsearch is a dominanting open source platform for storing and analyzing all different types of data ranging from application logs, to user payment transactions and network audit logs.

Jun 26, 2018

Cilium 1.1: Istio sidecar mode, cri-o/containerd support, improved efficiency & scale, init policies

We are excited to announce Cilium 1.1. 33 contributors have contributed 965 commits to this release. Below is a list of highlighted features and architectural improvements that have made the 1.1 release in addition to the countless bugfixes.

Cilium - Rethinking Linux Networking and Security for the Age of Microservices
Apr 24, 2018

Cilium - Rethinking Linux Networking and Security for the Age of Microservices

To celebrate the Cilium project hitting 1.0, we wanted to take a moment to share the broader story behind how BPF and Cilium are driving the biggest change in the past two decades of Linux networking and security, and invite you to join in on the fun. We're just getting started!

Cilium 1.0: Bringing the BPF Revolution to Kubernetes Networking and Security
Apr 24, 2018

Cilium 1.0: Bringing the BPF Revolution to Kubernetes Networking and Security

The last couple of months have been tremendously exciting for everyone working on Cilium and BPF. We have witnessed a fast growing community of Cilium users as well as the rapid increase of BPF usage and development with companies such as Google joining the existing already strong BPF community of engineers from Facebook, Netflix, Red Hat and many more.

Apr 17, 2018

Why is the kernel community replacing iptables with BPF?

The Linux kernel community recently announced bpfilter, which will replace the long-standing in-kernel implementation of iptables with high-performance network filtering powered by Linux BPF, all while guaranteeing a non-disruptive transition for Linux users.

Apr 02, 2018

Cilium 1.0.0-rc9 - Feature Freeze for 1.0!

We are excited to announce Cilium 1.0.0-rc9 with many, many bugfixes and the delivery of the final feature we were waiting on prior for 1.0: Egress policy enforcement support. It is therefore only logical that we announce full feature freeze with rc9. This means that we will only merge critical bugfixes and release 1.0 as soon as we have resolved all release blockers. More on this below. We are thrilled to have come this far and appreciate all of the efforts by the wide range of contributors that have helped to get us here. As usual, the full release notes are attached at the end of the blog but can be found on the 1.0.0-rc9 release page. The vast majority of the work in this release has been around bugfixes and testing. Here is a list of some highlights:

Feb 16, 2018

Cilium 1.0.0-rc4 released

We are excited to have released Cilium 1.0.0-rc4. The release contains a lot of bugfixes as usual plus a lot of CI work to ensure quality long term but there are also some enhancements highlights and tooling worth mentioning.



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